BrewUp Magazine Issue 1 - MAY 2021


BrewUp Magazine Issue 1 - MAY 2021

  • MAY 2021

BrewUp Magazine is a biannual publication by The Brewers of Europe, for all European brewers and the beer supply. Its first edition has been issued in May 2021 and is available and distributed digitally for free to anyone registered on BrewUp. It covers items of importance for the brewing sector at European and national levels. It is made of contributions by brewers, maltsters, hop growers, national brewing association leaders, technical advisors or policy directors who form the extraordinary brewing family.

Inside this issue :

In focus: respond-reconnect – recover responding

  • Solidarity initiatives in belgium, bulgaria, denmark, poland and romania
  • Reconnecting thought-leadership by Marie Audren (HOTREC) and Kristjan Bragason (EFFAT), covid-impact-report
  • Recovering & sustainability valorising secondary products, organic production and product environmental footprint
150th anniversary of the deutscher brauerbund, interview with Dr Jörg Lehmann, dbb president
Impact of brexit on the beer economy: a uk perspective
Brewers forum 2021
Beer brewing guide EBC quality handbook for small breweries
Bulgarian response to challenges through innovation
Brussels brewing

In Focus